Registration Success
We’re excited that you have registered to join us- this will be a great experience! Watch your email for a confirmation email, and we’ll be in touch.
What to Expect at Camp
Camp is full of fundamental drills, passing, shooting, ball handling, dribbling, exciting contests like hot shot shooting, Free throws, bump, lay-ups, and exciting games. Each camper will be placed on a team of 8-10 players coached and supervised by 3-4 coaches on each team. Each day teams will play each other and team and individual contests will be held. Each can and will be modified according to ability. Our younger athletes will be playing on 8 or 9 foot rims so all can enjoy success!
What to Bring to Camp
- Lunch (we will provide a Papa Murphys pizza lunch on Saturday)
- Basketball clothes (preferably shorts or sweat pants)
- Athletic shoes
Please leave all valuables at home such as rings, watches, earrings, money, etc. We can’t be responsible for lost or stolen items.