Grand Canyon Antelopes Women’s Basketball Game of Inclusion and Recognition Registration "*" indicates required fields Participant InformationParticipant Name* First Last Age*Parent/Guardian InformationPlease provide your information should we need to contact you about this registration. This will also be the emergency contact for the participant.Guardian Name* First Last Email* Phone*Waiver and Release of Liability I represent and warrant that to the best of my knowledge and belief I am/my child is physically and mentally able to participate in Special Hoop Camp. I also represent that a licensed examiner has reviewed the health information set forth in my/the participant’s application and has certified, based on an independent medical examination, that there is no medical evidence which would preclude my/the participant’s participation. Special Hoop Camp has my permission (both during and any time after) to use my/the participant’s likeness, name, voice, or words in either television, radio, film, newspapers, magazines and other media in any form for the purpose of advertising or communicating the purposes and activities of Special Hoop Camp and/or applying for funds to support these purposes and activities. If a medical emergency should arise during my/participant’s participation in Special Hoop Camp activities at a time when I am not personally able/present to be consulted regarding my/participant’s care, I authorize Special Hoop Camp to take whatever measures are necessary to protect my/participant’s health and wellbeing, including, if necessary, hospitalization. I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand the provisions of the above release, and if I am an adult athlete someone has explained these provisions to me. By signing this release form I agree to the above provisions. If I am the parent/guardian of the athlete named on this form I am agreeing to the above provisions on my own behalf and on behalf of the athlete named on this application. If I am a witness for an adult athlete I certify that I have reviewed this release with the athlete and am satisfied that the athlete understands this release and has agreed to its terms.Waiver and Release of Liability*I represent and warrant that to the best of my knowledge and belief I am/my child is physically and mentally able to participate in Special Hoop Camp. I also represent that a licensed examiner has reviewed the health information set forth in my/the participant’s application and has certified, based on an independent medical examination, that there is no medical evidence which would preclude my/the participant’s participation. Special Hoop Camp has my permission (both during and any time after) to use my/the participant’s likeness, name, voice, or words in either television, radio, film, newspapers, magazines and other media in any form for the purpose of advertising or communicating the purposes and activities of Special Hoop Camp and/or applying for funds to support these purposes and activities. If a medical emergency should arise during my/participant’s participation in Special Hoop Camp activities at a time when I am not personally able/present to be consulted regarding my/participant’s care, I authorize Special Hoop Camp to take whatever measures are necessary to protect my/participant’s health and wellbeing, including, if necessary, hospitalization. I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand the provisions of the above release, and if I am an adult athlete someone has explained these provisions to me. By signing this release form I agree to the above provisions. If I am the parent/guardian of the athlete named on this form I am agreeing to the above provisions on my own behalf and on behalf of the athlete named on this application. If I am a witness for an adult athlete I certify that I have reviewed this release with the athlete and am satisfied that the athlete understands this release and has agreed to its terms. I have read and agree to these terms. Night of InclusionAt the game athletes and families will be recognized. If you have been asked to participate in the game activities you MUST arrive and be in your seats 30 minutes prior to the start of the game. You will get detailed instructions. We are invited guests DO NOT wear another teams’ clothing or hat to the game. At the basketball game, 5 players will be announced with the starting line-up. 10 players will play a 5 minute game at half time. Some will be participants in the timeout events. There is no cost to attend.How many tickets to the game?*NCAA Women’s Basketball Game: Seattle Redhawks at Grand Canyon Antelopes @2pm Sat, Mar 1, 2025Please enter a number from 0 to 10.Your tickets will be available at the Hoop.Camp Will Call table located at the North East entrance of the Marriott Center on the game day.Support additional athletesWe are asking for a $10 donation per ticket. Every $ of your donation goes directly to special needs athletes. Thanks for your generosity!Donation*Every $ of your donation goes directly to special needs athletes. $10 Other amount Other amount* Total Payment Method*PayPal CheckoutCredit Card MasterCardVisaSupported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa Card Number Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export 00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds Date Mar 01 2025 Time 2:00 pm Location GCU Arena 3300 West Camelback Road Phoenix, Arizona 85017 Website Organizer Steve Garrity Phone 503-875-8281 Email Other Organizers Molly Miller Website Share this event